Are you new here?

Are you new here?

Welcome! Are you new here? Join the pack. I am too. I have been contemplating a blog for some time and finally made the leap. Here is where you will enjoy the information of keeping your furry and non-furry family with you in any situation. I am always willing to learn and try to have an open mind on anything.

I say we should have a first introduction area. Hi, I am Rhebecca AKA Pup Mom. I have been a “Prepper” of sorts for at least 17 years. I am not a hoarder and everything we have we either use or plan to use in one of our adventures. I am married to my husband Pup Dad for close to 20 years. Five years ago we bought our first house on just under an acre. I am living proof you can homestead/prep on small amounts of land.

We have 3 growing boys. Pup 1 is almost 18, thinks his parents are weird (like most kids) and is awaiting the day he no longer has to go to school and gets to be on his own. He gets the prepper/homesteading lifestyle and helps when he can. Pup 2 is my middle son, at 15 he thinks everything is a hassle and does not want to help with anything. He would prefer to stay in his bedroom attached to an electronic. Oh, how I miss the old days when we had dial up and not streaming services and you didn’t have smart phones. Those were simpler times for sure. Pup 3 is the baby and at 13 the newest teenager. If you thought girls were bad, try having a house full of testosterone! Just kidding. I wouldn’t trade my little family for anything, and my boys are one of the main reasons I started the prepping concept.

Along with our 3 boys we have 3 real Pups. They are all female and all a joy for sure. Pup I is our oldest lady coming in at 9. She lost vision in one of her eyes and is honestly just living her life to the fullest. Pup C is our middle furry child. She is 2 and is a wild child that helps hold this pack together. She has the looks of her mom, and the wild side of her dad and I love her so much. I couldn’t imagine life without her. Pup L is our newest addition. She is 8 weeks and wide open. I forgot how much of a challenge puppies are but she is loved and spoiled and raining to be the best pup ever right beside her big sister.

On our farm we have 4 goats, all miniature due to the land area we have. Luckily, we have family with fields and during the rainy season we transport over to the more spacious areas. When it is time for us to have babies, depending on the goat we will bring them back over to our farm. Although sometimes they stay at the remote location because that family is there more nd can watch a little closer in case of any complications.

So, there you have it, my introductions. While I try to keep things centered around the concept of prepping with animals, some posts may only be about humans, some may be about other critters, not furry, that you will want to prep to bring as well. We have other animals that do not have fur, but they are for another post altogether.

Some posts may have links. While the beginning ones will not. Please know with these links, I will only promote items I have used personally. I do not want to falsely advertise that I have used anything unless I know for sure how it works. I also will not promote something that I find to be underwhelming. If it doesn’t do what it states it should, I will be open and honest about all of it. I

I will also be posting about the trials and tribulations of virtual learning as one of my Pups has a virtual class. It is a struggle for sure since it has been so long since I have been in school myself and to those that homeschool, BLESS YOU! I had a full-time job being an essential employee during the epidemic. I had to work 9 hours a day then come home to teach my boys. That was a trial in and of itself. I am now a stay-at-home mom and trying my best to get this school thing knocked out for them. I know how frustrating it can be and know that I am here if you need to vent about the trials that your pups are going through as well.

Again, welcome to our pack. If you have any suggestions, questions, would like to see something I haven’t covered please feel free to reach out either in the comments or find me on Instagram: @prepping_with_pups.